April 2, 2019
Brett and Susan Damm
Handling beads and hooks
Putting beads on hooks can be a challenge sometimes - especially the real small ones. There are a couple of tools that can make it an easier job. This is how I get hooks ready for tying when they need a bead. I start by lying out a dozen beads and a dozen hooks on a special silicone bead pad made by Hareline. The bead pad has pockets in it to keep the beads from rolling around. Then I use another tool called a Beadzer. A beadzer is a form of tweezers with a special end on it that will hold the bead in place. You now can easily pick up any size bead and hold it to place it on the hook. Here is the tip of the day. Magnetize the end of the Beedzers this will allow you to easily pick up the hook off the bead pad and hold it in your other hand.
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