Where to stay…..
These are listed in no particular order. Area codes are all (207).
Do you want a traditional sporting camp?
Grants Kennebago Camps 864-3608 – on Kennebago Lake – fly fishing only
Bald Mountain Camps 864-3671 – on Mooselookmeguntic Lake
Lakewood Camps 243-2959 - at Middle Dam on the Rapid River
A cabin where you can cook your own meals?
Fieldstone Cottages 207-670-8268 fieldstonecottagesrangeleymaine.com - 2 nights
Lyons Lakeside Cabins – cabins@lyonslakeside.com
North Camps - 864-2247
or contact a rental agency below
Do you enjoy a Bed & Breakfast?
Pleasant Street Inn B & B – 864-5916 - close to downtown
Will you camp in an RV or tent?
Rangeley Lake State Park 864-3858 on the south side of Rangeley Lake
Black Brook Cove Campground 486-3828 also Aziscohos Lake , near NH
Steven Phillips Preserve - 864-2003 Mooselookmeguntic Lake some wilderness sites available
Cupsuptic Campground - 864-5249 - Cupsuptic Lake (part of Mooselook) some wilderness sites available
Are you interested in a hotel or motel?
Town & Lake Motel & Cottages - 864-3755 - in town, on Rangeley Lake
Rangeley Inn – 864-3341 – downtown, a beautiful old-fashioned inn
Rangeley Saddleback Inn – 864-3434 downtown, has swimming pool
Loon Lodge – 864-5666 - on Rangeley Lake , another beautiful old fashioned inn- log cabin
Oquossoc Country Suites 52 Carry Rd, Oquossoc, 1-888-218-4882 or 491-1779
Magalloway / NH area?
Rangeley Vacation Rentals – 864-2224
Morton & Furbish Rental Agency – 864-5777