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At the Rangeley Region Sports Shop we carry just about any type of fly tying tool or material you would need, from vises to thread and everything in between. We carry tying vises from Regal, Renzetti, and DynaKing. Most of our fly tying materials come from suppliers like Wapsi, Hareline, and Nature's Spirit. We sell hackles from Whiting Farms and Ewing Hackle . We also have high quality deer hair and dubbing which is locally sourced right here in our neck of the woods.
Sometimes when I am wrapping a hackle I wonder how someone thought of the idea of using a chicken's feather to float a dry fly. Or take fur from a muskrat and dub it to thread to make a fly body. Since those early days change has come fast to the world of fly tying and fly tying materials. We have moved way beyond using naturally obtained materials into the ever growing world of synthetics. Birds have been bred over the last 100 years to get feathers that are perfect for floating the modern dry flies. You can choose beads of an endless array of colors and sizes along with hooks for every application you can think of. The color choices in body dubbing and materials used to make the dubbing can make up a whole catalog by themselves. Flash is a huge category in fly tying materials with many different color combinations and degrees of crinkle to make light do crazy things. Thread has become thinner and stronger. I think the improvement in thread is the most important advancement we have seen in fly tying materials. Getting a small fly head has been one of the greatest challenges for a tier and the finer, yet stronger threads have helped in this area. The pages of our fly tying materials are not to be rushed through we hope you take your time and enjoy.
The classic streamer body material. Used for Joe's Smelt and Bemis Smelt streamers. This Jumbo size is about 1/2 inch in diameter. 1/2 yard per pa...
View full detailsFrom Nature's Spirit, a piece of bleached deer hair. The patch is about 2" x 3". Perfect for stimulators.
It is finely barred fur from Wapsi has very short tips, and enough compression to make it ideal for small comparaduns, sparkle duns, and caddis. 2 ...
View full detailsA great dry fly feather for those spring time mayflies.
Essential for some classic streamers.
Good for heads, wingcases and backs. Unfortunately, this item requires special, higher shipping rates and therefore we must charge $7 shipping on t...
View full detailsThese Bugger feather packs give the tier a collection of feathers in the 4-10 size range. Many of the feather have some amount of webbing, perfect ...
View full detailsThese beautiful feathers are used for streamers such as the Gray Ghost and Wood Special.
Nature's Spirit Comparadun Deer Hair is an essential material for creating "Comparadun" dry flies, ideal for imitating mayfly emergers, duns, and s...
View full detailsSideling Hill Hackle Farm is a small producer of high quality fly tying hackle from the farm country of Pennsylvania. The owner, Evan Brandt, share...
View full detailsWhitings Heritage hackle line in derived from the old Hebert line. They are beautiful natural colors with rich tones and stiffness, perfect for cla...
View full detailsTie flies with Hareline Fine Black Barred Marabou and you'll be tempting just about every fish out there. The barring is closer together than the b...
View full detailsNicely soft tanned hide , use this to make your own Zonker strips for great streamers or use the short, dense, mottled hair to create nymphs and em...
View full detailsThis is the original Enrico Puglisi product: a very durable, translucent fly tying material. The action is similar to both bucktail and marabou. ...
View full detailsYou can give marabou like action to a fly with this durable synthetic from Enrico Puglisi. When wrapped on a hook, there will be an inner and ou...
View full detailsThis product features a complete assortment of spikey, buggy, variegated, and mottled hairs perfectly suited for creating the highest quality dubbi...
View full detailsA great cape for those classic mayfly patterns. Size ranges from 16-4.
12 select spade feathers from Nature's Spirit. An affordable package size.
The Hebert Miner line of dry fly hackle offers the tier a great range of natural duns, creams,browns and every tune in between. The colors are vibr...
View full detailsThis smaller marabou comes from chickens and is also known as Chickabou. Ideal for smaller flies and jigs, Bonefish, nymph and emerger flies. I co...
View full detailsBright! Super attracting! Made in USA
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