Cheeky Tyro Triple Play
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Go to the water ready for whatever conditions you may meet. The Triple Play come with a reel and two spare spools so you can load one with floating line and another with sink tip. Maybe you have a WF5F on one and a WF6F on the other. Whatever you may need, the Tyro Triple Play fly reel and spool bundle gives you options. The Triple Play from Cheeky Fishing comes with one Tyro fly reel, two spare spools and the Fishpond Sweetwater Reel Case - all for one great price!
Fly Reel & Spool Features:
- 1 Reel, 2 Spools, Fishpond Case included
- Rev Carbon Drag System
- Lightweight design
- Quick change spool
- Simple L/R retrieve conversion
- Silent retrieve