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Fishing Report – June 17 2013

June 17, 2013

The area rivers are coming down after another round of rain.  The Magalloway is normal, the Rapid is still a bit high, upper dam is at a good flow.  The good thing is that water temps are remaining low and this means prolonged hatches. There are alot of caddis around lately on all the rivers so look to fish those patterns on the surface or as a nymph.  There should be good stonefly hatches right around the corner on the Mag. and Rapid.  During these hatches you want to fish ” big ugly’s ” like foamulators and stimulators. The Kennebago should have alot of fish up it after the recent rains and this could be a very good summer for that river.  We might start to see some drakes hatching on the more shallow ponds this week.  A big hornberg in brown or yellow is a good  way to match these large mayflies. We also have regular drake flies in the shop in both wulff and parachute styles. I have had good reports from the areas small ponds and would expect it to only get better. This coming week-end,the 22-23,  they will be releasing water for rafting during the day on the Magalloway  so plan accordingly.


Previous article Fishing Report – July 2, 2013

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