September 25, 2014
Brett Damm
Fishing Report – Sept. 25 2014
Not much has changed here since the last report. Water is still low in the rivers and the temps are low. Magalloway is fishing good with water temps in the high 50′s and flow at 340 for the most part. Rapid is still at 1000 with water temps in the mid to high 50′s. There are lots of salmon to be had and the brookies are starting to move out of the pond. The Kennebago is low and in the low 50′s. Steep Bank Pool is loaded with hard to catch fish waiting for the opportunity to move up river. Nymphing is my method of choice on most rivers, but no method is left out if is the best way to catch fish. I still have my sports swing a hornberg through the pool before going subsurface just in case there is a impulsive salmon waiting for some action. Nymphs of choice are prince, pheasant tail, all flies in olive, copper john and midges. If you choose to drag bottom for big trout, olive and yellow buggers are very popular. Other flies for dredging would be yellow and olive wiggle, slumpbuster and Kennebago muddlers. As the busy weekend draws near there are a few things to keep in mind. Be patient and polite with other fisherman, be ready to try many different flies and methods, keep on the move to find the fish and that quiet spot that we all will be looking for.
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