January 5, 2016
Brett and Susan Damm
Teal Strip - Fly of the Month
This month’s fly is the Teal Strip. It was created by Rob Donald who for many years operated a shop in Jay, Maine. Rob closed his shop a few years ago. Many fishermen would stop on the way to Rangeley and pick up this unique pattern. The Teal Strip is a great emerger pattern for Drakes and Hexes. It could also copy a large Stonefly if greased up and fished in the film. The only trick to tying this fly is to tie the wing on top of the yarn body and not in front of it. This way the wing lies flat over the body and will not flare upward with thread tension.
Hook - 3665A sizes 8 – 10 Thread - Olive Body - Dark olive wool yarn Wing - Teal feather topped with an Mallard feather dyed olive Hackle - Brown , tied in wet fly style
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