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geese seen while maine fly fishing

Fishing Report - June 1, 2017

Not a lot has changed in the past week. For every warm day we get, 4 cloudy days follow.  The cooler temps and higher water levels will hopefully bring a fishing season that lasts later than usual.   Water temps are staying in the 50 - 54 degree range. Hatches of mayflies do happen if the day has a chance to warm up. River flow levels are good for the most part but can rise with the rains. The Kennebago has lots of chubs but no fresh fish reported yet. The Magalloway is running at 650 cfs and has a good amount of fish in it but the catching success can vary from day to day. This past week the most effective patterns for my sports were the Pat's Rubberleg and a variety of olive caddis larva. The beauty of nature abounds around us right now. The forest is green and lush; spring flowers are all blooming. Moose, deer and geese share the woods with us......and the blackflies and mosquitoes are in full force.
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