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Fishing Report – July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

The high water of last week is receding and level should stay normal if we do not get any more rain. The Kennebago is a little high but very fishable. The Magalloway is at 900 this morning but I think they will bring it down to 600 soon. The Rapid is at 1000 which is a fishable level. Upper dam is at 600 and I have gotten good reports from there, but the the near gate is closed so the walk in is long. I fished a small pond the other evening and did well with emergers. Fishing emergers is very productive on ponds during the summer warmth the fish don’t seem to want to break the surface until after dark. Black caddis are very common on the small ponds at this time of year and you should be prepared for it. Carry both deer hair and a low profile or emerger style. On the Magalloway and Rapid you should be ready to fish with small tan caddis and ‘big ugly’ stonefly imitations and start thinking small for nymphing. Drakes are common on the area lakes right now, but the hatching goes through cycles so not every day is the same. Hope you enjoy your time on the water.

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