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Fishing Report  May 19 2016

Fishing Report May 19 2016

We are experiencing the usual ups and downs of spring with the weather. After cold days and snow on Sunday and Monday temps are getting warmer again. River water temps today were in the 47- 50 degree range. Suckers are everywhere and a few mayflies have been seen. Blackflies were really thick on the Magalloway today so be prepared for our little flying friends. In the coming week I would expect to see the hatches start to begin. This means you should be prepared to make the switch from sub surface to dries on the river. The Klinkhamer Emerger is the best match for all Mayflies as the hatches begin. Just match the size and color to the Mayfly you are seeing. It is not uncommon to have the first wave of emerging bugs totally ignored by the fish. The fish need to see a good number of bugs before something clicks in their brains that tells them it is a food source. Good streamers for now are Black Ghost Marabou, Montreal Whore and Kennebago Smelt. For the ponds I would suggest the Blacknose Dace, Kennebago Crayfish Tri-color and Wooly Buggers. If we can be of any help feel free to call the shop.


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Joe Croteau - May 24, 2016

Thanks for the reports Brett. Even though I can’t get to Rangeley area it is really great to stay connected via your reports.



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