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Today seems to be the last day of the summer's heat spell. The water is at its lowest and warmest of the summer. The cooler air and rain in the forecast should return us to normal over the weekend. The Magalloway water temps are near 70 degrees other than right at the hydro. You should only fish the Mag if water temps are below 70 degrees. The fish probably won't be active at the surface at that temp anyway. I do not think that you should go down to them with nymphs if the water is near 70. What has amazed me lately is how quickly the water cools down when it is low. All we talk about is how it warms up. Yesterday I fished a stream is the back country in the early morning. When I started the water temp was 60 degrees after the air temp was 87 the day before and night time low of 59. This tells me to fish early and quit early. Sounds good to me I have flies to tie anyway.
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